Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Was the last day of school really only two weeks ago??? As I write, I am sitting in Destin condo looking out at the beautiful gulf with two sweet children snoring in their rooms. It seems eons ago that we were embroiled in the hustle and bustle of end of the year activities.  

This year Sam graduated from Leika's Kindergarten and Fairchild completed the three year old program.  

Leikas graduation program is always a wonderful display of pageantry that participants and audience alike enjoy.  The theme this year was the Wild, Wild West -- perfect for Sam who has been my cowboy since he learned to walk.  

Fair was Sally Whirlwind Thunder Ann Crocket.  She was a little upset that Ms Crockett did not wear pink. Not only was the costume NOT pink -- I also mistakenly ordered it way toooooo large. Thank goodness for my friend Ann and her sewing skills. With only 20 minutes prior to departure for the school, Ann was sewing darts so the dress wouldn't fall off during the program.  While Ann was sewing my sister Rayne was braiding.  Thanks to those two, we arrived on time with smiles!  After graduation family gathered to celebrate over dinner.
Aunt RaRa (with Baby Sparkles) braiding Sally Ann's tresses.

It fits!! Thanks Ann - great darts!

While we were running from door to door on Mallory Drive dressing Fairchild,
Sam was chillin with Robert.

Cap and Gown

Our first glimpse at the graduates

Leika's Graduating Class 2012

The Garners

Pop & My Dot with the Graduate - so glad they joined us for dinner!

Sam & JuJu (who helped me the entire afternoon of graduation - blessing!)

In lieu of a fancy graduation cake, Sam wanted dirt pudding with "extra worms Mama"

Sam's graduation cap with his name written in green and the names of those graduates who wore it before him (one of whom happens to be one of my sister's very best friends) - My hats off to them and all the wonderful teachers at Leika's who have encouraged  our children throughout the years!


  1. Congrats to Sam for graduating Kindergarten! Seems like yesterday we were doing the same ourselves! So cool he had Abbie's hat!! Soak up the beach time..wishing we were still there! P.S. I love that you call Rayne's baby Sparkles!! haha!!

  2. What great memories! Great post~Happy our boys are big buddies!
